Scholars in Residence

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is a star in the world of Rabbanus and Torah education. Rabbi Glatstein is a prolific speaker on, his more than 5,900 recorded shiurim have garnered millions of hits. His Shiurim are also featured on the OU website as well as syndicated weekly on JRoot radio. Rabbi Glatstein is also the author of several seforim and books. He has led tours across the globe, from Italy to Spain, Morocco, Poland, Bratislava, and Austria, imparting the eternal values of Torah and lessons of Jewish History. Rabbi Glatstein has Semicha from the Rabbinical Seminary of America, as well as from Harav Noach Issac Oelbaum shlita. R’ Daniel combines dynamic and inspirational oratory with depth of Torah knowledge and keen insight and his shiurim have been received enthusiastically by audiences of all backgrounds and affiliations.
Rabbi Glatstein will be joining us for the first days and Chol Hamoed.

Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein is one of the most sought-after speakers on the Torah scene. He speaks regularly throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Israel. Receiving Semicha from Gateshead Yeshiva after learning seven years there, Rabbi Rubinstein gives Gemora and Hashkofa shiurim in Yeshivah Sh’or Yoshuv, is the author of ten books and broadcasts regularly on BBC National Radio. Before moving to America he was a regular contributor to England’s largest Radio Show with 16 million listeners. He has also written programs for the BBC, including “Yom Kippur” which was heard by 156 million people. The UK’s Jewish Telegraph reported that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a fan of Rabbi YY’s TV and Radio appearances and confided that she thinks he’s, “Awfully good.” A regular columnist for Hamodia, and the Jewish Press, Rabbi Rubinstein also writes for several non-Jewish publications.
Rabbi Rubinstein will be joining us for the entire Pesach.
Speakers & Maggidei Shiur

Rabbi Naftali Portnoy has served as the Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center, since 1988. Together with Co-Director Rabbi Moshe Turk, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 15,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 1,500 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Portnoy has a deep grasp of psak halacha and has conferred extensively with g’dolei poskin both in America and Eretz Yisrael on varied and delicate matters of halacha as they apply to baalei teshuva.

Rabbi Moshe Turk is the founding Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center. Together with Co-Director Rabbi Naftali Portnoy, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 15,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 1,500 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Turk is a warm and engaging speaker who has lectured to both learned and secular audiences throughout the country and in Eretz Yisrael.

Rabbi Avi Landa is currently the Mashgiach of TA Middle School, and the Counselor of TA High School. He obtained Smichas Rav Umanhig from Ner Yisroel and has been working with bochurim at Ner since 2012. Rabbi Landa has a Masters in Counseling from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) Credential as well. Since 2013 R' Avi has been practicing mental health counseling with the goal of helping a client get to a self-sufficient place, utilizing the tools and interventions implemented. As a curriculum writer for Darcheinu and Presenter nation-wide, Avi has extensive experience educating adolescents and helping them navigate the often confusing journey to and through a healthy adulthood.

Dr. Meir Wikler is a psychotherapist and family counselor in full-time private practice with offices in Lakewood, N.J. and Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a sought after speaker in the U.S., the U.K. and in Eretz Yisroel. Dr. Wikler has published over 100 articles in various clinical journals as well as popular periodicals such as The Jewish Observer and Mishpacha Magazine. He has also written twelve books on marriage, parenting, psychotherapy and stories of hashgacha pratis published by Artscroll, Feldheim, Menucha, and Hamodia Treasures/Israel Bookshop. Many of his lectures and shiurim are available at

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Day Camp and Daycare
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